The Hero’s Journey – well we’re all on one, although we usually call it life. Yet within our life we have multiple chapters or mini hero’s journey’s. And for that matter so does an organisation.
Who am I and why am I here, are two questions we are in a permanent dance with.
Who are we and why are we here, are the two questions any team or organisation is in a permanent dance with.
Our sense of ‘Identity’ is fundamental to achieving what we want. Without knowing what fulfils us or gives us a sense of meaning we are empty / frustrated, living a life of stress that was never meant to be.
To quote Joseph Campbell “when you follow your bliss doors will open that could only open for you.”
In other words when you are being true to yourself and doing what you’re really meant to do, then true wealth and success will be yours.
On the 4th June I’ll share with you the hero’s journey and the 12 keys to success. Best of all, it’s all on a complimentary one-time teleseminar that’s my gift to you, and one that’s also a content-rich preview to my upcoming Archetypal Leadership Event.
Each and every one of us is on our own unique hero’s journey
And most of us are doing it totally blind.
I can honestly say that once I learnt about the Hero’s Journey and Archetypes my current circumstances suddenly made a whole lot of sense. Rather like a game of Ker Plunk, a lot of marbles dropped at once.
This is material I share with my private coaching clients, and amongst other things it helps them with their decision making.
In this 75 minute teleseminar you will learn:-
– What the hero’s journey is.
– What are the 4 phases, and which one are you in right now.
– What are the 12 keys.
– How the hero’s journey inter-twines with successful goal achievement.
– How understanding the hero’s journey brings a sense of stability even in times of chaos or uncertainty.
If you’ve been looking to create more success in your life this call is for you.
To register for the Hero’s Journey tele-seminar click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.