Career Change – Searching for a new job

//Career Change – Searching for a new job

Career Change – Searching for a new job

If you’re in the process of undergoing a career change, you know that looking for a new job is not always as simple as mailing out CV’s / resumes or perusing the wanted ads.   Many jobs aren’t always published, and the competition can be intense.   Without the right network contacts, and not being in the right place at just the right time, you could be out of luck.

Then again when you’re looking to make your next career move, or indeed change career, the more you understand about you, not just your skills and competencies, the more you can search for the right match.  As our career path develops we’re always unconsciously looking for a company that fits with our intrinsic desires.  We’re consciously looking for a company that fits our current skills base and has the possibility of future development.

Each time we move job there is a risk, will it work out, will I fit in, will I get on, will I still have a job in the future or is the company going under.  If we change career the uncertainty and risks can appear even greater.  If we thought about it for too long we’d probably become paralysed and take no action, figuring it was better to stay where we were and make do.

Those who experience authentic career success are the one’s who have invested in making the unconscious drivers conscious.  Right now we’re being bombarded with news telling us there are a lot of companies struggling, what we hear less of are that there are lots of companies doing fine and some even experiencing growth.  These latter companies are still looking to recruit excellent staff, and yes now they’ll have even more choice.  So it’s even more important that you shine and that becomes far easier the more self aware you are.  It also reduces the risks mentioned previously.

There are many routes to this, you could read books, here are a few recommendations.  You could have some career coaching, there’s probably a few in your area, have a conversation with them first, even experience their coaching, so you know when you hire them they’re the right one for you.  Now sometimes this route either doesn’t fit your timeline, or doesn’t fit your budget.  Which was why we developed the option of a structured multi media format.  Through DVD, CD and workbook exercises you can rapidly increase your self awareness and discover what’s unconciously driving your career.  What’s more if you purchase this in January you’ll save 33% and the product comes with a 12 month risk free guarantee.

Whatever you decide about your career, don’t let inaction and analysis paralysis hold you back.

2009-01-13T16:28:18+00:00By |Career|
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