Be Yourself

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Be Yourself

How much of yourself do you bring to work each day?

This happened to be one of the questions I asked a client recently.  The answer wasn’t anywhere near 100% or all of me.  So we explored the bit that didn’t come to work and why.

Years ago a colleague I worked with handed in her notice.  The boss was surprised and really wanted her to stay “why are you going?” he asked “because I have a PhD, and every day I arrive at work and leave my brains in the car park.  I won’t do that to myself anymore.”  He wanted to know what changes they needed to make so she could use her brains.  She pointed out that leaving them in the car was a safety precaution so she could remain sane working for this particular organisation.

From a  different perspective many people put on their work clothes as if it were some kind of armour behind which certain traits can hide.  In some instances people pretend to be something they’re not.  Often the underlying fear is that if they showed their true self that people won’t like them.  Have the confidence to be yourself, knowing that then the people who do like you, like the real you ,and you’re not deceiving anyone anymore, least of all yourself.

I think this sums it up nicely.

“When you stand in that sliver of space that is completely and utterly YOU, then you will be truly magnificent, wonderful and abundant” Joseph Riggio

2009-09-28T08:48:00+00:00By |Growth, Self Image|
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